When it comes to contraband tobacco, there are millions of reasons to take tough action now

VANCOUVER, BC, June 12, 2024 – Alberta announced a working group against contraband tobacco in its 2024 budget. Ontario has increased penalties for criminals caught hawking illegal tobacco. Saskatchewan’s recent Bill 29 The Tobacco Tax Amendment Act includes tough new contraband enforcement measures.

Here in British Columbia we wait. For what? It’s not clear.

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Premier Eby’s misguided actions are threatening British Columbians’ safe supply of tobacco products and alternatives

VANCOUVER, BC, June 3, 2024 – Before selling tobacco products in British Columbia, every independent retailer must register as a Retail Dealer and hold Tobacco Retail Authorization for their store. Storeowners ensure they and their staff know and comply with B.C. tobacco and vapour product laws. They do not sell to minors. They offer safe spaces for customers to purchase unaltered products, and they collect provincial and federal taxes with proceeds often funding programs benefiting people’s health and wellness.

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Why is Premier Eby making it so darn hard to quit smoking?

VANCOUVER, BC, May 1, 2024 /CNW/ - A quick Reddit search tells an unsurprising story. People who want to quit smoking are having a hard time thanks to Premier Eby's unnecessary and ill-conceived roadblocks.

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Premier Eby's government is out of touch with British Columbia's values, recent attacks on independent retailers show

VANCOUVER, BC, March 25, 2024 /CNW/ - British Columbians are independent and resilient. They value family, community, and local businesses. It's these values that make British Columbia such a great place to live, raise a family and make a living. These same values inspire independent retailers to do their best for their customers and the communities they serve.

It's these values, too, that make Premier Eby's recent attacks on convenience stores so wrong. So out of touch.

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Poorly planned policies creating crisis for independent retailers and the communities they serve

VANCOUVER, BC, March 20, 2024 /CNW/ - There is a crisis happening in every community in British Columbia. A crisis of livelihood. A crisis of crime. A crisis of health.

"What we're seeing here in British Columbia is a crisis of common sense. One that is fully and wholly preventable if Premier Eby would only open his eyes," stated Dawn MacLain when asked about the government's Feb. 7, 2024 decision to ban the sale of nicotine pouches from convenience stores.

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Convenience Retailers Alliance decries, "Premier Eby: End the Attack on Convenience Stores"

VANCOUVER, BC, March 1, 2024 /CNW/ - British Columbia's independent convenience store retailers are calling on the provincial government to end its attack on convenience stores and give them a fighting chance at survival. Convenience retailers are also growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of consultation on major issues affecting the sector.

"Independent convenience stores are a cornerstone of neighbourhoods and communities across BC. Think of how many times you visit a neighbourhood store to pick up essentials, and now imagine life without that convenience. That is the reality if the government continues its assault on convenience stores," stated Ray Chan, independent BC retailer.

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B.C. Retailers to Minister Farnworth: Public safety campaigns are needed to raise awareness of the dangers with illegal tobacco

VANCOUVER, BC, March 29, 2023 /CNW/ - In response to Minister Mike Farnworth's announcement last Tuesday, in which he introduced a new $25 million initiative to address community safety concerns across the province, BC's independent convenience retailers are asking Minister Farnworth to not overlook the how organized crime gangs are inextricably linked to illegal tobacco trafficking.

"We know organized crime and contraband tobacco go hand in hand. If the government is serious about investing in public safety and truly want to help people break the cycle of offending, more needs to be done from preventing people from engaging with the black market." - Retailers 4 Safe Communities

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NEWS RELEASE: Suspected fentanyl and contraband tobacco found in recent vehicle stop in downtown Kamloops

VANCOUVER, BC, March 21, 2023 - BC's convenience store owners are highlighting the increase of crime in B.C. communities and asking Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth to speak up about what the government is doing to address this major public safety issue in BC.

A recent vehicle stop in Kamloops demonstrates clearly why contraband tobacco needs to be addressed in the province. Often, contraband goes hand in hand with other serious and life threatening drugs and criminal activity

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NEWS RELEASE | Addressing Contraband tobacco problem will help recover millions in provincial tax revenue needed to support healthcare

VANCOUVER, BC, March 2, 2023 /CNW/ - In response to the Provincial Budget delivered by Premier Eby's NDP government, British Columbia's independent convenience retailers would like to recognize the government for setting aside important funding for vital services such as healthcare and affordable housing.

We'd also like to draw the government's attention to the fact that Illicit trade robs British Columbians of millions of dollars in provincial tax revenue that could go directly to supporting health and social programs. For that reason we are disappointed more investments were not made to improve community safety by preventing contraband tobacco in B.C.

Stats show that due to the illegal tobacco market, there was an annual tax loss of approximately $275 million for the B.C. government in 2022, and a loss of approximately $126 million in tax revenue for the federal government in 2022.

What does this mean for British Columbians? It means that the $275 million tax loss due to contraband tobacco could go to much-needed investments in mental health and addiction services to help British Columbians.

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NEWS RELEASE | B.C.'s convenience retailers to Premier Eby: Actions Speak louder than words

VANCOUVER, BC, Feb. 27, 2023 /CNW/ - One of Premier Eby's first initiatives as Premier was to announce the Safer Communities Plan. B.C.'s independent convenience store owners agree there is a community safety problem and applaud the Premier for recognizing the visible and dangerous increase in criminal activities in the province.

Soon, the government will unveil a new provincial budget and retailers would like to draw the government's attention to a few important facts regarding the rise of contraband tobacco in your province in hopes Premier Eby and others take serious action.

B.C. is the worst province for Contraband Tobacco in Canada. Research shows that an estimated 30 and 50 percent of tobacco sales in the province are contraband products.

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GLOBAL NEWS OKANAGAN | Illegal cigarette sales hurting B.C. convenience stores

Feb. 2, 2023 - The rise in contraband cigarette sales in B.C. has some convenience store owners concerned. The B.C. government has already seized 2.9 million grams of illegal tobacco this fiscal year, but one store owner in Vernon says more needs to be done to even out the playing field.

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NEWS RELEASE | B.C. Convenience Store Owners frustrated by the dangerous increase in contraband tobacco in the Okanagan region

VANCOUVER, BC, Feb. 1, 2023 - British Columbia's convenience store owners are raising the alarm about the fact that criminals are using the province's roadways to transport illegal tobacco and likely other illicit goods at an alarming rate throughout the Okanagan region.

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CANADA CONVENIENCE STORE NEWS | Dec. 15, 2022 | B.C. retailers demand government take action against contraband tobacco

British Columbia’s c-store sector has launched advocacy efforts urging Premier David Eby’s NDP government to get tougher on contraband tobacco.

The Convenience Industry Council of Canada has launched a website, with the name “Contraband Costs Us All.” CICC executives have also been meeting with B.C. politicians and department officials across numerous portfolios.

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GLOBAL NEWS | Dec. 16, 2022 | Contraband tobacco inhales 30 to 50 per cent of B.C. market, retailers, industry fear

At first, Cory Holland thought government anti-smoking measures were working when he noticed tobacco sales at his British Columbia convenience store started to drop.

Holland said he recalled thinking that perhaps tax increases and the shift to plain packaging to deter young people from buying cigarettes actually convinced more people to quit smoking.

But losing half of sales over three years and observing the smoking habits of his own employees at his Kelowna-area store told him a darker story about organized crime and the growth of contraband tobacco in B.C., said Holland in an interview.

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CANADIAN PRESS | Dec. 16, 2022 | Contraband tobacco taking over up to half of B.C. market, retailers and industry fear

At first, Cory Holland thought government anti-smoking measures were working when he noticed tobacco sales at his British Columbia convenience store started to drop.

Holland said he recalled thinking that perhaps tax increases and the shift to plain packaging to deter young people from buying cigarettes actually convinced more people to quit smoking.

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NEWS RELEASE: B.C. Premier David Eby's New Public Safety Plan Needs to Include Getting Tough on Contraband Tobacco and Organized Crime

VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 29, 2022 /CNW/ - The Convenience Retailers Alliance 4 Safe Communities (RA4SC) commends the Government of British Columbia for announcing The Safer Communities Action Plan (SCAP) that lays out formative steps at the provincial level to make communities safer through enforcement and intervention services. While the plan is a start, RA4SC members encourage the government to go further and address the fact that the serious threat of contraband tobacco is noticeably missing from their plan.

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SAANICH NEWS | Nov. 17, 2022 | B.C. convenience stores want provincial help in smoking out illegal tobacco sales

“With no support from the B.C. government, I am not sure what will happen to my store and my community,” said Holland. “I have operated my store for over 20 years in B.C. and I have never seen such a severe loss of sales and customers because of contraband tobacco.”

Holland said that the problem has been “a slippery slope.”

“Today, the serious issue is contraband tobacco but what is it going to be next for these illegal pushers? We as store owners feel disappointed and abandoned by own government. We need help.”

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REVELSTOKE REVIEW | Nov. 17, 2022 | B.C. convenience stores want provincial help in smoking out illegal tobacco sales

Despite being in business for more than 20 years, Oyama General Store owner Cory Holland is worried about the future.

Holland’s store was the first to launch the ‘Speak Up For Our Stores’ campaign on Nov. 17, an effort by the Convenience Retailers Alliance 4 Safe Communities to fight back against contraband tobacco.

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CASTANET | Nov. 17, 2022 | Oyama business owner leads charge against contraband tobacco

The provincial government needs to do something to stop the distribution and sale of contraband tobacco.

Convenience store operators, concerned about the impact contraband tobacco sales are having on their business, launched the "Speak up for Our Store," campaign earlier this week.

The campaign was launched at the Oyama General Store Wednesday.

It is asking the government to address contraband tobacco in next year's budget.

Store owner Cory Holland says he has been in business for 20 years but is concerned what it will take for him to

continue to stay in business much longer.

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NEWS RELEASE: Speak up for Our Stores Campaign launch

VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 16, 2022 - British Columbia's convenience store operators are pulling together for a campaign to raise awareness about the disastrous impact contraband tobacco is having on B.C.'s convenience retailers and communities. The "Speak up for Our Stores" campaign, led by the Convenience Retailers Alliance 4 Safe Communities, launched today at a Oyama General Store in Oyama, B.C. The store owner Cory Holland has been in business for over 20 years. However, like many other convenience store owners, he is worried about what it will take for him to stay in business much longer. The Speak Up for Our Stores Campaign will be asking B.C.'s provincial government to address contraband tobacco in B.C.s upcoming 2023 provincial budget, which is set to be released by the provincial government in February of next year.

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