When it comes to contraband tobacco, there are millions of reasons to take tough action now

VANCOUVER, BC, June 12, 2024 – Alberta announced a working group against contraband tobacco in its 2024 budget. Ontario has increased penalties for criminals caught hawking illegal tobacco. Saskatchewan’s recent Bill 29 The Tobacco Tax Amendment Act includes tough new contraband enforcement measures.

Here in British Columbia we wait. For what? It’s not clear.

Yet, there are millions of reasons for Premier Eby to act against contraband tobacco now.

Take the over 40 million illegal cigarettes seized from organized crime just this year. Cigarettes that research shows may be tainted with asbestos, heavy metals, dead flies, spider mites, rat droppings, and even human feces.

Or, take the multiple millions of dollars in tax revenue lost forever. Dollars much needed for public health care and education.

Take the millions of British Columbians who lock their doors a little tighter and worry about their kids a little more because of the rise of organized crime in BC communities large and small. Crime fueled by contraband tobacco.

Or take the millions of people who rely on their corner convenience store for simple staples and the occasional indulgence. Or the thousands of British Columbians who are employed by independent retailers. Retailers who are reluctantly laying off staff or closing their doors because of lost revenue and increased security costs.

By some estimates, organized crime accounts for almost one of every two cigarettes sold in British Columbia. With the new federal taxes announced in Budget 2024, organized crime is expected to dominate the tobacco market even further.

It’s well past time Premier Eby got tough on contraband tobacco. It’s killing people. Action cannot wait.

Independent retailers across British Columbia are calling on Premier Eby to look at the recent actions in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, and implement the best ideas to crack down on illegal tobacco right here in British Columbia. 

People’s lives and livelihood depend on it.

Retailers 4 Safe Communities is an advocacy group calling for action against contraband tobacco in British Columbia. Our goal is to raise awareness about the harmful impact that contraband tobacco has on British Columbia’s convenience store operators and communities. 

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Premier Eby’s misguided actions are threatening British Columbians’ safe supply of tobacco products and alternatives