Premier Eby’s misguided actions are threatening British Columbians’ safe supply of tobacco products and alternatives

VANCOUVER, BC, June 3, 2024 – Before selling tobacco products in British Columbia, every independent retailer must register as a Retail Dealer and hold Tobacco Retail Authorization for their store. Storeowners ensure they and their staff know and comply with B.C. tobacco and vapour product laws. They do not sell to minors. They offer safe spaces for customers to purchase unaltered products, and they collect provincial and federal taxes with proceeds often funding programs benefiting people’s health and wellness.

Did you know there is also a darker side to tobacco sales? One that is not regulated and has no regard for the health and safety of minors, or for anyone. One that sells uninspected and unsafe products laced with unknown ingredients that may cause untold harm. One that fronts drug and human trafficking, child exploitation, money laundering and worse. One that keeps all the profits, with not one penny contributing to the health and wellness of the people of British Columbia.

This darker side is run by organized crime, and it’s growing thanks to Premier Eby’s misplaced policies that restrict consumer choice and drive up costs. 

These same policies punish law-abiding retailers, some to the point of closing their doors for good.

“I play by the rules. I sell a safe and inspected product. Yet what do I get?” asked Lee, owner of a family-owned business in Kelowna. “More restrictions. Less competitive pricing. Again and again, organized crime wins and my community loses. This has got to stop”

By some estimates, organized crime accounts for almost one of every two cigarettes sold in British Columbia. These illegal cigarettes are not inspected and could contain anything. With the new federal taxes announced in Budget 2024, organized crime is expected to dominate even further, and while this tax may be out of Eby’s hands, he can do a great deal to tilt the playing field in favour of legally and ethically run independent retailers and a safer supply.

“I know many people may dismiss the harm Eby’s tobacco policies are inflicting on independent retailers. After all, making it harder for people to smoke is a good thing, right?” continues Lee. “But just think about it. We’re not allowed to sell tobacco and nicotine alternatives so it’s actually harder for people to quit. And, despite everything, some people will keep consuming tobacco products. They need to get them from somewhere. Would you rather that somewhere be a local store or an armed operation fronting drugs, money laundering, and human trafficking?”

Lee and hundreds of store owners across British Columbia are calling on Premier Eby to fight for local retailers and ensure those who wish to purchase tobacco products and alternatives have a safe and inspected supply. Premier Eby must act now to:

  • Open the lines of communication with independent retailers on matters that impact them.

  • Increase safety for small businesses and families by cracking down on illegal tobacco, illegal vaping products and illegal nicotine pouches.

  • Respect consumer choice and convenience by allowing the sale of vaping products and nicotine pouches at independent retailers.

Retailers 4 Safe Communities is an advocacy group calling for action against contraband tobacco in British Columbia. Our goal is to raise awareness about the harmful impact that contraband tobacco has on British Columbia’s convenience store operators and communities. 

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When it comes to contraband tobacco, there are millions of reasons to take tough action now